About Sheer Joy Banners

My name is Michaela. This is a picture of my husband and I.  We have two wonderful children and three Alaskan Malamutes, and I love to make praise and worship banners!  I had always admired the banners that I saw in church buildings. It wasn't until one of our pastors at the  church I was attending, opened an outreach center nearby that I started making banners.  The first banner I made was one of self expression,  JESUS IS OUR JOY.  After that I  found myself unable to stop making banners! 

I discovered that making banners was not something that you just went out, bought material, and started sewing and gluing. There was research that needed to be done, such as knowing that colors and numbers on banners have great meaning. Choosing the correct materials, and then measuring it about ten times before cutting!  Keeping a close eye on your muddy Alaskan Malamutes that are in the same room as your white banner is a must!!   Then of course, prayer and listening to the Spirit for ideas and direction.   

You will notice that some of my banners are not your typical traditional styles, and some definietly are.  As I mentioned in the paragraph above, I let the Lord give me ideas, and then I take those great ideas and make them into banners.  I love His ideas!  He knows there are all kinds of different people, and churches, and ministries out there that sometimes do not "fit into" one banner.  It is my hope that Sheer Joy Banners has a wide selection for everyone, if not, I will make it!

There is an absolute joy I experience while making a banner. I think about the folks who will be looking at it, and wondering what the Lord will do with that banner in someone's life.  Banners have a life and ministry of their own...in this visual world, just one glance at a banner and there's no telling what can be done in the Kingdom ...Holy Spirit, come do as You wish!

I find myself thinking about the next banner I am going to make while I am working on the finishing touches of the present banner!  That joy, and a life changing experience with "the Joy of the Lord" led to the name of my banner website. (You can read about that experience on the link below).

"I hope you enjoy the banners

and the information on this site.

  It would be great to hear from you!"


How I came up with the name for my banner site: "Surprised by JOY"

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