pictures of timber's physical therapy

Timber, has had this surgery on her right knee and very soon because of a recent injury will have it on her left knee. Here are a few links my husband found that explain the surgery & injury quite well.  The first  link has excellent photos of the surgery.

 ACL Repair In The Dog: An Inside Look At a Knee Surgery

Ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament -  torn ACL surgery   

Successful Treatment Likely for Dogs with Torn Ligaments

A movie of Timber at Physical Therapy (& my daughter laughing hysterically from it)



This is a pic of a sling i made for Timber's first ACL surgery.  I am using it now for her second surgery. Walking on their own is not allowed until two weeks after the for potty breaks the dog must be lifted in the back to get to the place where the dog goes,  this harness has been a lifesaver for this purpose. (Also needed is the front harness for front support. that is the pink strap you see.) To lift a 100 pound dog it needs to be made strong and sturdy if you decide to make your own. You can see Timber's stitches on her leg/knee below.  Timber is in the lying down position modeling the sling.


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