Dear Friends of Hearts United for Animals,
Pennsylvania is one of the states in this country that has the most puppymills. The
majority of the puppymills in Pennsylvania are concentrated
in Lancaster Country. The huge majority of these "kennels" are owned by
people who are Amish or Mennonite. I was at one Amish kennel that had over
70 dogs. The dogs are outside in rabbit hutch cages without heat or
air-conditioning. Yesterday it was over 90 degrees in this area and those
dogs do not even have shade. They cannot escape the burning rays of the sun.
The law requires protection from the heat but both the state
and federal officials have failed to enforce the law. When I was there they did not
have water bottles, only bowls that could easily be knocked over so they could be without
water. At a zoning hearing the owner testified that his ten and
eleven year old children would be the ones who take care of the dogs. I wonder
how many times in a day those children check the water bowls.
The local and state officials have said that they are not going to enforce the laws in
this county. One official even told me that the dogs don't have money and they don't
vote so they weren't going to take this issue seriously. He also said this was a
"woman's issue." The only thing that they understand is money so we have
to show them the money. The tourist money that is. When money walks, money talks.
Boycott Lancaster County. The tourist industry was
down significantly last year and is down even more significantly the first quarter of this
year. And they ain't seen nothing yet.
Please tell the Pennsylvania Dutch Convention and Visitor's Bureau that you will
not visit Lancaster County until the suffering is ended. Tell them that you won't
shop in their outlet malls, you won't go to the Sight and Sound Theater, you won't go the
American Music Theater, you won't go to the DutchWonderland, you won't go to
the Strasburg Railroad Museum, and you certainly would never ever go on an Amish Buggy
ride. Their email address is . I wonder
how many emails they can get in a week!?
Thank you so much for your support.
Lee Wheeler
Hearts United for Animals
The Sirius Shoppe
The only store where all the profits go to shut down puppymills.