Send the Fire!
Revival Links are at the bottom of page
At the end of the last century there was a man who looked upon the moral
and spiritual decay of the world and the church and realized that something
radical needed to happen to bring his world back to God. His name was
William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army.With this realization
came fervent prayer and through prayer the lyrics to this song. "O God of burning,
cleansing flames, Send the Fire. Your blood-bought gift today we claim.
Send the Fire, to burn up every trace of sin, to bring the light and glory in,
the revolution now begin." As we come to the end of this century these words
have as much meaning as they did when they where first written. People have
lost their sense of moral urgency and spiritual fervency and only the
fire of God can burn away deception and cause the true light
of Jesus to be seen. ~ Lindell Cooley (Brownsville Revival Worship Leader)
O God of burning, cleansing flame, Send the fire
Your blood - bought gift today we claim, Send the fire today
God of Elijah, hear our cry, Send the fire
And make us fit to live or die, send the fire today
To burn up every trace of sin, to bring the light and glory in
The revolution now begins, Send the fire today
It's fire we want, for fire we plead, Send the fire
The fire will meet our every need, Send the fire today
Give us strength to always do what's right,
And grace to conquer in the fight
for power to walk this world in white, Send the fire today
Look down and see this waiting host
And send the promised Holy Ghost
We need another Pentecost, Send the fire today
To make our weak hearts strong and brave, Send the fire
To live a dying world to save, Send the fire
Lord, we're here tonight and we're on Your alter, Send the fire
We give our lives to You today, Send the fire
Send the fire today!
Revival Links
Surprised by JOY! / Statement of
Faith / Commentary / A Little About Me /
Send the Fire! / Fave Scriptures / Beauty for Ashes Poetry / Just because I don't look like you / Favorite Links
Problems Only Goths Have / Is this how you imagine Jesus? / Christian Goth Music / The Black Sheep
My Alaskan Malamute Page / Can a Christian Be a Goth? / E-mail / Main Page
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